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St. Joseph’s Catholic Institute of Theology St. Joseph’s National Catholic Major Seminary Affiliated to the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome, Italy
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Freshers' Day

Seminary held Freshers’ Day on 19th May. We celebrated the Eucharistic Celebration in a solemn way. After Eucharistic celebration the professors made Schola Brevis, a short introduction of what they are going to teach in this academic year. There was a soccer competition between the freshers and the old ones.   In the evening, a ceremony of welcoming was given to the first year students coming from the 7- Dioceses of the country. This year they are altogether 24 first year students. We have two new professors, Fr. Augustine Thang Zawm Ghung from Hakha Diocese and Fr. George Saw Eh Dho from Pathein Diocese. Freshers’ Day was full of joy and freshness and newness.

2018-06-05 02:03:23